Michael Pigg

Microbenchmarking Scala with JMH

Many times we find that there are multiple ways to write a piece of code and sometimes the choice may be determined by which implementation executes fastest. We might want to have a shootout between the different implementations to find out which one is fastest. The Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH) tool can help us get … Read More

Simple Akka Clustering

https://youtu.be/6RQb7Hz_TPw Setting up Akka clustering is quite easy and provides a way to distribute work across multiple machines in the cluster. In many cases this requires no changes to an Actor compared to a non-cluster deployment. In this screencast, I walk through setting up a cluster and compare deploying an actor in a local actor … Read More

Better Scala Tuples With shapeless

Shapeless provides a little syntax sugar that makes a standard Tuple behave like a collection. Learn more about this API in a tutorial by Scala and Akka trainer, mentor and consultant Michael Pigg.

Basic Akka Actors

Anyone working on concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM should be familiar with Akka. Akka is an implementation of the Actor model that can be used from Scala or Java applications to provide a concurrency model that is designed from the ground up for systems spanning multiple machines. Defining an Actor The key abstraction … Read More

Peeking Under The Covers in Scala

Chariot consultant Michael Pigg takes a look at using the Scala compiler’s -Xprint option to show us what’s happening under the covers.

Interesting Talks from Scala Days 2015

I was able to attend Scala Days 2015 in San Francisco and see some excellent presentations on the Scala ecosystem. I’d like to highlight ones that were of particular interest to me.

Northeast Scala Symposium 2015

The Northeast Scala Symposium just wrapped up in Boston. The Northeast Scala Symposium just wrapped up in Boston. I braved the snow, ice, and bitter cold with Don Coleman, Al Iacovella, Nicolas Kijak, and Ken Rimple and lived to tell about it. We’ve collected highlights from a few of our favorite sessions in this blog post.

FSM Actors in Akka

This post takes a look at the basic features of the FSM trait in Akka and implements a simple Tic Tac Toe game actor along with tests.