Philly ETE 2015 #29 – Jan Macháček & Martin Zapletal – Implementing Exercise Wearables Analysis with Spark and Akka

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Slides from Jan’s talk are available here.


Languages like Scala are making it easier to implement systems with distributed domains and distributed computation. Deployment, monitoring and operation of such systems is often neglected, left to the last moment. Jan will show how architect and implement your system with DevOps in mind right from the start.

You will see the details of a cluster-sharded domain in an Akka cluster, and a distributed computation in Spark, with REST APIs and mobile and wearable clients, running in a large number of Docker containers, with management from Marathon.

Come to Jan’s talk to find out about the challenges of designing and running such systems; you do not need to be an expert, or even have heard about the technologies Jan will show, to walk away with an appreciation of designing and running distributed systems.

About Jan:

Jan Machacek is a passionate technologist with hands-on experience with the practical aspects of software delivery (architecture, quality, CI, CD); the project management approaches (applying the principles of agile project management); mentoring and motivating the engineering & business teams. He shares his expertise and passion for software as the editor of the Open Source Journal, regularly contributes to open source projects and speaks at conferences in the UK and abroad.Jan is the author of many open source projects (various Typesafe Activators, Reactive Monitor, Akka Patterns, Akka Extras, Scalad, Specs2 Spring and others), books and articles.

Jan always wants to hear about interesting projects, events, hackathons, …! He’s keen to share his expertise at conferences, user groups, or simply over a drink or two. If you have something to suggest or share, get in touch!