
How to fix broken Jest in React 16.4.1 with CRA and debug your jest tests!

Having trouble with running Jest tests once you upgrade to React 16.4.1? Here’s how to fix it. Note, this is a rather time-sensitive post and will be obsolete once the 2.x version of create-react-app is released. But for now, it can help! Also I show you how to debug Jest tests. That part is still useful.

TechCast #7 – Andy Oswald on Running Ubuntu Linux on a MacBook Pro

If you’re at all adventurous, you’ve probably loaded Linux on a PC sometime in your life.  Some of us avoid that pain by running (screaming) to Mac OS X, where we have a nice, pretty view of the world behind shiny and metallic, stylin’ boxes. Not Andy Oswald.  He’s a tried-and-true Linux OS guy (Ubuntu, … Read More