Philly ETE 2017 #17 – Building Better Teams to Build Better UX (Panel)

Today’s business and technology leaders understand that a good user experience (UX) is a leading factor in product success and customer happiness. Popular dogma says that cross-functional, autonomous agile teams are the way to achieve great UX — but this isn’t always true. This panel of designers, developers, and tech leaders will discuss the sources … Read More

Android Vector Graphics

I, like most developers, tend to rush into playing around with new technology. What I mean is you get excited when hearing or reading about something new then jump into the deep-end of the pool and while in mid-air throwing your towel to your chair. That’s what happened to me with VectorDrawable. I heard about … Read More

Android density buckets, or how to work with your designers…

How does Android development compare with your plain old development? Well, in short words it’s very rewarding in a sense that you see results of your work right away. You can also deploy it right to your phone or a tablet and brag about it to your friends. However, there are pitfalls…