Philly ETE #28 – Coaching Teams Along the Path to Agile Fluency – Diana Larsen

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From the abstract: Going “Agile” can confer a number of benefits to teams and organizations, but all too often those promised benefits aren’t fully delivered and everyone wonders why. As organizational leaders/mentors and Agile coaches, we find ourselves confronted when the promise of Agile doesn’t match the reality. How do we avoid the traps of “ScrumBut” or “FragileAgile” in a better way? How do we help teams and leaders ask the right questions and make the right investments? The “Path Through Agile Fluency” model of the predictable signs of agile team competency can help. Through the lens of Agile Fluency coaches help leaders define the benefits they’re getting from their current flavor of Agile, determine the benefits they really want from team effort, plan next steps, and describe success. Join Diana Larsen in an exploration of ways coaches and managers can use the model to show the path to reliable Agile competence and find the “Agile” that’s right for them. Read more about the model at