(All off-site links are in new tabs – if you’re on the ng-conf app, send the page to your phone’s browser as it ignores target=_blank).
We’re glad you attended Chariot’s seminar on Docker at ng-conf 2019. Here are a few useful resources from the class.
Download a PDF of the slides here.
Also I’ve set up a GIST here with the relevant Docker files from an enterprise-level sample (Apache, Angular, React, Spring Boot, postgres)
If you plan on following along you should have installed Docker and it should be running on your computer. Make sure you’ve created a free account on Docker and signed into it with docker login
from your command line.
A quick call to docker run alpine echo 'hi there'
should verify that the engine is up and running by downloading the alpine linux
container and running a simple echo command.
On Windows, you will need to run Linux containers for the seminar, and this can be set by going into your docker control panel and selecting Linux images. Note that your existing images will be purged and Docker will restart.
Download the exercises from this link and expand them somewhere. Open that directory with your favorite text editor.
Useful Resources
Docker Guides
- Best practices for writing Dockerfiles
- Controlling shutdown/startup order in Compose
- Environment Variables Guide
- Compose documentation
- Great article on filtering and grepping Docker containers, images and volumes
- Outdated but a great read on how Docker works
- Survey of Docker monitoring tools
- Advanced multi-stage build patterns
- Troubleshooting the Docker build process
- Dockerizing an Angular app
- Docker ARG, ENV and .env – a Complete Guide
- How To Remove Docker Images, Containers, and Volumes
- The difference between docker-compose and docker-stack
- Use Compose in production
- Article on the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT and why each are used
- Window users: toggle HyperV on/off so you can do work in Docker
Download here.