Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference (ETE) is the Mid-Atlantic’s premier developer’s conference: we bring world-renowned speakers, plus some local favorites to speak about bleeding-edge technologies being used today. Our talks are delivered by down-in-the-dirt engineers; high-level, big-picture folks like CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, SVPs; and architects. Our speakers are the founders of companies you know and love, and you’ll learn new technologies from the people who created them: the core committers, pioneers, and leading trainers and authors.
The conference will be virtual for another year, with speakers hosting live Q&A sessions after their talks. We provide side channels on Slack for discussion with speakers and other attendees, where our speakers immediately post clickable links to their slides, blogs, Twitter feeds, and other resources, and hang out for questions. Attendees get first access to all recorded videos within a week after the conference.
Topics this year include observability, Java, quantum computing, NFT standards, serverless, and more. Notable speakers include:
- Cory Doctorow, Science Fiction Author, Activist, Journalist
- Elizabeth Adams, Global Chief AI Culture & Ethics Officer, Women in AI; Forbes list of 15 AI Ethics Leaders Showing The World The Way Of The Future
- James Ward, Kotlin Product Manager, Google
- Bruce Eckel, Author, Thinking in Java
- Charity Majors, CTO & Co-Founder, Honeycomb.io
- Linda Rising, Author, Fearless Change
- Jessica Kerr (@JessiTRON), Developer Advocate, Honeycomb.io
- Richard Feldman, Creator, Roc Programming Language
- Ashley Williams, Rust Core contributor; founder and first executive director of the Rust Foundation
- Jean Yang, Founder/CEO, Akita Software
- Carson Gross, Creator, HTMX
- Stewart Smith, Maintainer, Q.js (Quantum Circuit Simulator)
- Josh Long, Author, Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry; Reactive Spring; and host of A Bootiful Podcast
- Yehonathan Sharvit, Author, Data Oriented Programming: Unlearning Objects
Dates: Tuesday, April 19th and Wednesday, April 20th 2022
Venue: Online
Website: https://phillyemergingtech.com