Chariot Solutions Announces the Dates for the 2010 Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference

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Chariot Solutions Announces the Dates for the 2010 Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference



Chariot Solutions Announces the Dates for the 2010 Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference

Will be Co-locating with Sonatype’s Maven Meetup in Philadelphia

Chariot Solutions and Sonatype are jointly announcing the fifth annual Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference (
and Sonatype Maven Meetup, to be held at the Sheraton Society Hill in downtown Philadelphia. The two events will be held consecutively, with Maven Meetup opening
its doors on April 7th, followed by the Emerging Technologies Conference on April 8-9.

Emerging Technologies Conference, in its fifth year, showcases cutting-edge technologies and offers technical and management educational tracks on how those
technologies are used, the impact that they have on the enterprise and successes and challenges in deploying them. Subjects covered include open source tools
and frameworks, Agile development, development languages, infrastructure and more.

The Meetup will focus on technologies centered around development infrastructure, offering talks and workshops led by core contributors and package maintainers.
Sessions in two tracks will cover tools as the Apache Maven build and release manager, Hudson continuous integration engine, Nexus repository manager, Apache Felix
and other technologies widely used by software developers around the world.

The two conferences feature a selection of international speakers representing projects that focus on developing best-of-breed software and customer solutions.
ETE ’10 will have talks from Yehuda Katz, Dan Allen, David Pollack, Jon Kern, Alex Miller, James Ward, Ezra Zygmuntowicz and more to come.

Partners for this event include regional and international companies including JBoss, Springsource, and Manning Publications.

Chariot Solutions is an IT consulting firm specializing in application development and systems integration using Java and open source technologies. Chariot
consultants include some of the top software architects in the country, all of whom possess a rare combination of deep technical expertise, applied industry
knowledge and a genuine love for what they do. Chariot’s consulting team has made the company the optimal partner to design, develop, deploy, integrate, support
and tune mission-critical systems for companies of all sizes.