
Rightsizing Data for Athena

Amazon Athena is a service that lets you run SQL queries against structured data files stored in S3. It takes a “divide and conquer” approach, spinning up parallel query execution engines that each examine only a portion of your data. The performance of these queries, however, depends on how you consolidate and partition your data. In this post I compare query times for a moderately large dataset, looking for the “sweet spot” between number of files and individual file size.

Hunting the Wolf: App UX and Database Review

The Wolf Golf Scorecard app for Android, by Rod Biresch of Chariot Solutions, is a record-keeping application for a classic four-player golf game. Recently, Chariot had the opportunity to redesign and refresh the look-and-feel and usability of the application (first released in 2016) through a complete design deep-dive process.

Introducing Team Data

This post is a quick primer on the basic titles and skills best suited to fulfill responsibilities along your company’s data pipeline.