HTML 5 Offline Applications with JQuery Mobile


I can’t believe it is a month since our last post.  Vacation got in the way, but our consultants have been blogging on various topics.  There is some catching up to do over the next week.

New to the blogsphere is John Shepard.  John recently posted around JQuery ad HTML5, and what he has been doing with his spare time.

I was recently playing around with JQuery Mobile and was wondering how easy it would be to create an HTML 5 offline application. I’m not very familiar with HTML or JavaScript, so I figured this would be an interesting project.

A simple application was required, so a calculator was semi-randomly selected. (The source for the calculator is available at the end of this post.)

The first step in creating the calculator was to add some HTML that had a text area and some buttons. jQuery Mobile handles a resizing display area and can put buttons in a grid. The hooks into jQuery Mobile seem to be through data-roles and classes.

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