Hands-on Bluetooth Low Energy Workshop

Event Details:

November 10, 2015
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
$95 – includes hardware kit and lunch
Quorum 3711 Market Street, Philadelphia

Register Today

Run by Don Coleman, Director of Consulting, Chariot Solutions and co-author of Beginning NFC: Near Field Communication with Arduino, Android and PhoneGap.

You’ve heard a lot about Bluetooth low energy, but do you understand how it works? This workshop will give you a chance to get hands-on experience building a Bluetooth smart device and an iPhone or Android application to control it.

We will cover Bluetooth LE concepts like services and characteristics while we are building the hardware and software. The peripheral will be built with Arduino-compatible hardware and a Nordic Bluetooth LE radio. We will use open source libraries and tools to define a custom Bluetooth LE service to control the hardware. No soldering will be required.

The phone application will be written with Apache Cordova so it will run on iOS or Android. The phone will be control hardware via Bluetooth LE, and automatically receive notifications when something changes on the peripheral.

Participants will be required to bring a laptop and are encouraged to bring a Bluetooth LE-capable iOS or Android phone. There will be a limited number of phones that people can borrow for the workshop. Familiarity with at least one programming language is helpful but not required.

A list of required free software will be sent to attendees before the workshop.

Each participant will receive a hardware development kit containing an Arduino compatible microcontroller with Bluetooth Low Energy radio and the components required for the class. ($60 value).

Lunch is included.

Registration is limited to 30 participants.