Core Spring Training Course – 4/27 to 4/30

News Item

Core Spring Training Course – 4/27 to 4/30


Chariot is running the SpringSource offical Core Spring training course, on April 27-30, 2010, in our Philadelphia-area training center. Registration is open now.

This is a four-day, intensive introduction to the Spring framework, and is a pre-requisite if you are planning on achieving the Core Spring developer certification. Not just a dry rehashing of slides, we cover in-depth all aspects of working with Spring, and will field questions from our students. Our trainers are certified Spring developers and have developed with Spring on many engagements.

Topics covered include:

  • The Spring Triangle
  • Spring Container – including both XML and annotation-driven configuration
  • The Container Lifecycle
  • Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • JDBC Template
  • Configuring Spring ORM with Hibernate
  • Spring JMS
  • Spring Web and MVC
  • Remoting
  • Spring and Web Services
  • Spring Security
  • Spring and JMX
  • A discussion and short demo of Grails and Roo

Seating is limited; each attendee gets a free voucher to take the Core Spring Developer certification test.