Leveraging Open-Source Integration to Kick-Start Your SOA

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Leveraging Open-Source Integration to Kick-Start Your SOA


Many technologies are available today to use in a service-oriented architecture. From SOAP vs REST to ESBs to JBI to the multitude of WS-* specifications, half the challenge is deciding what to use. And then there are the multitude of products to evaluate.

In this talk, we’ll show how you can leverage open source to get an SOA effort off the ground. Building a prototype using these free tools can be quick and easy, giving you immediate insight into what technologies work best in your environment, based on your application needs, service architecture, and systemic requirements in areas like performance, security, and manageability. This type of effort will let you identify key risks and challenges from development tools to service orchestration to testing to governance. With this quick start under your belt, you can move on to long-term architecture planning and product evaluations with confidence and a full understanding of all your needs surrounding an SOA implementation.

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