Thanks for attending Fall Forecast 2009 – Groovy on Grails!

News Item

Thanks for attending Fall Forecast 2009 – Groovy on Grails!


Thank you to the 50+ attendees who came and even stayed until the late hours for our hack-a-thon. We had a great time, and hopefully you did too!
We’ve put our presentations in the usual ‘Downloads’ area, but also updated the event page to show the slides and sample zip files together, lined up by presentation.

View/Download the presentations

Coming up on April 8-9, 2010 is our Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference. With over forty speakers and five tracks,
including keynotes from Uncle Bob Martin and Michael Cote, a live evening podcast, panels, and various meetups, this promises to be the best ETE yet.
More information about ETE including keynotes, abstracts and our live, online registration is available on the