Search results for: angularjs

AngularJS Corner – Using promises and $q to handle asynchronous calls

A number of Angular services return promises: $http, $interval, $timeout, for example. Anything needing to run in the background will need to coordinate with a caller such as a controller or directive, and the promise API is the way to go. But how does it work? We’ll show you how with this short tutorial.

Philly ETE 2014 #6 – Angular Reality: Rendering the World in Real Time with AngularJS Directives and WebGL – James Wanga

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From the abstract: “AngularJS directives are a powerful tool that can bring elegance to complex technologies like WebGL. Last year, with an amazing team, I won a NASA hackathon by building a drone using a quad-coptor and a custom built sonar that was later featured on the discovery channel. During my talk I’ll walk through … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 – Ken Rimple – AngularJS 101

I presented a basic tutorial on AngularJS at Philly ETE this year, pinch hitting for a speaker who had to cancel at the last minute. My slides end abruptly, however, the points are made and for more information I refer you to our website content on AngularJS, as well as our two-day training course. For … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #22 – AngularJS Directives – DSL in your HTML – Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Ford

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From the abstract: “AngularJS is an awesome JavaScript framework that has a laundry list of great features. One of the most powerful features is the ability to create custom HTML elements and attributes that are specific to your domain. We will cover how to make custom directives to do neat tricks. By ‘neat tricks’ we … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #20 – State of the art single-page Spring Applications with AngularJS – Ken Rimple and David Turanski

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From the abstract: “What is the relevance of the Spring Framework in the age of the Javascript client application? How can we Spring developers leverage Spring APIs to provide security, REST support, and quick back-end development services? Find out in this talk where we cover how to build a single-page Web Application using Angular.JS, secured … Read More

AngularJS Directives – building a DSL with your HTML

I will admit in advance – this content trades off of a great little screencast by Brian Ford from CODEShow on AngularJS directives. Go watch that if you have a little knowledge of AngularJS and 45 minutes to kill… But if not…

AngularJS Directives – DSL in Your HTML

From the abstract: “AngularJS is an awesome JavaScript framework that has a laundry list of great features. One of the most powerful features is the ability to create custom HTML elements and attributes that are specific to your domain. We will cover how to make custom directives to do neat tricks. By ‘neat tricks’ we … Read More

TechCast #76 – AngularJS with authors Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Ford

Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Ford, both speaking at Philly Emerging Tech this April, are co-authors of the forthcoming Manning book, AngularJS in Action. They are currently preparing for their first Manning Early Access release, or MEAP. When Brian was working at Google as an intern, he was exposed to the Angular framework and learned quite … Read More