Philly ETE 2015 #11 – Chet Hendrickson & Ron Jeffries – The Nature of Software Development

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Based on the ideas in Ron’s new book The Nature of Software Development, Ron and Chet will talk about the current state of “Agile Software Development”, discussing the extent to which Agile’s good ideas have been watered down, and with special attention to the current interest in “scaling” Agile.

About Ron:

Ron Jeffries has been developing software longer than most people have been alive. He holds advanced degrees in mathematics and computer science, both earned before negative integers had been invented. His teams have built operating systems, compilers, relational database systems, and a large range of applications. Ron’s software products have produced revenue of over half a billion dollars, and he wonders why he didn’t get any of it.

Ron is an author of the Agile Manifesto, having been part of the Agile movement before it was even named Agile. His web site is in the process of moving to, where his newest writings will be found, as well as all the material from the XProgramming site.

Ron’s most recent book, The Nature of Software Development, was released in December 2014 by Pragmatic Programmers.

About Chet:

Chet Hendrickson has been involved with Agile Software Development since 1996, when as a member of Chrysler’s C3 project he helped develop Extreme Programming.

In 2000, Ron Jeffries, Ann Anderson, and Chet wrote Extreme Programming Installed. It detailed XP’s core practices, how to do them, and how they work together to help teams be successful.

Since 2002, Chet has been an independent consultant, coach, and trainer. In 2009, he was asked by the Scrum Alliance to help develop the Certified Scrum Developer program. Chet and Ron Jeffries taught the first CSD course and continue to offer them in the United States and Europe. He has been a Certified Scrum Trainer since 2009.

Chet and Ron Jeffries often work together and are popular conference speakers, bringing an interesting mix of humor and deep knowledge, and the odd cat picture.