Philly ETE 2015 #50 – Jamie Allen, Erik Osheim, Brendan McAdams, Michael Pilquist, Brian Clapper – Typesafe Scala, Typelevel Scala: What’s Going On Anyway?

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From the abstract:

Last year, Miles Sabin wrote that “there is … a significant constituency at the core of the Scala community whose needs are not being fully met [by Typesafe’s focus on stability and Java 8 compatibility].” That statement summarizes the mission behind, a project that currently consists of a fork of the Scala compiler, as well as various well-known Scala open source libraries.

Is this a positive and natural outgrowth of a growing and vibrant language or will this development cause irreparable rifts in the Scala community? Is this a bad thing or a good thing?

These are the issues we’ll explore during this panel. Jamie Allen, Typesafe Senior Director of Global Services, will be representing the Typesafe position. Erik Osheim, co-creator of the Typelevel project Spire, will be representing the Typelevel position. Brendan McAdams and Michael Pilquist both have Considerable experience with Typesafe and Typelevel technologies and will round out the discussion. Brian Clapper will be moderating the discussion.

We’ll discuss the issues, explore the possibilities, and field your questions. Join us.

About Jamie Allen:

Jamie is the Senior Director of Global Services for Typesafe, responsible for the enablement of customers around the world through consulting and training.

He is the author of Effective Akka book from O’Reilly, and the co-author of the upcoming Reactive Design Patterns book from Manning. Jamie is a computer languages enthusiast who enjoys writing performant code that most efficiently leverages the resources at hand.

About Erik Osheim:

Erik is one of the creators of Spire, a Typelevel project designed to support fast, generic, and precise numerical programming in Scala. He is a contributor to the Scala compiler and standard library, and uses Scala to push the limits of JVM performance and expressiveness. Erik works at Meetup, where he collects, processes, and analyzes data to learn how to more effectively create community.

About Brendan McAdams:

Having recently returned from several wilderness years of being an itinerant conference speaker, trainer, & consultant for such fine companies as MongoDB & Typesafe, Brendan now writes Scala code for Netflix, building beautiful APIs with Scalatra & Swagger.

About Michael Pilquist:

Michael is the chief software architect at Combined Conditional Access Development, LLC., a joint venture between Comcast and ARRIS Group Inc. At CCAD, he is responsible for the design and development of control systems that manage tens of millions of cable system devices, including settop boxes and headend equipment. Michael’s interests include functional programming, static type systems, concurrency, and the Scala programming language.

About Brian Clapper:

Brian Clapper is an independent consultant with more than 30 years’ experience as a software developer. Brian is fluent in many languages, including Scala, Java, Python, Ruby and C#, and C.

In addition, he is highly familiar with current web application technologies, including frameworks like Play!, Ruby on Rails, Django, and front-end technologies like Knockout.js and Angular.js. Brian founded the Philly Area Scala Enthusiasts in 2010 and, since 2011, has been a co-organizer of the Northeast Scala Symposium; he was also co-organizer of Scalathon, in 2011 and 2012.