Philly ETE 2016 #1 – Donn Felker – Realm – a New, Easy to Use Mobile Database & Object Framework

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So you need to store data in your mobile application? Great, now you need to work with SQLite. Writing SQL is great fun if you enjoy thinking about mapping your objects to a relational store over and over and over. But what if there was another solution? One that allowed you to work with objects and store them as such with a powerful query system. No transformations back and forth to a relational store. Well, you’re in luck, one does exist: Realm. Realm is a mobile object (MVCC) database that can do all of these things and more. In this session learn how you can rid yourself of SQL, SQLite and its binding chains so you can harness the power and speed of working with native objects in Realm.

About Donn:

Donn is an independent consultant with a focus on mobile and back-end server side technologies. He’s the co-host of the Fragmented Podcast – an Android Developer podcast. He’s a best-selling mobile development book author, international speaker and the lead instructor at Caster.IO – a bite-sized training site for Android Developers. You can learn more about him at his website – or follow him on twitter @donnfelker.