Philly ETE 2016 #24 – Steve Barsh – From Idea to Market: De-Risking Critical Assumptions

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Ever wonder how companies like Zappos get started? And why some startups are successful when most fail? From the very start, smart entrepreneurs reduce uncertainty and make educated decisions through a process of focused and iterative “de-risking.” Learn how to apply these techniques on your idea.

You’ll learn:

  • The 5 most common mistakes business people, technologists, scientists, and entrepreneurs make when first starting and how to avoid them.
  • How to to identify critical assumptions that can kill your idea.
  • When to start speaking with target customers. (Hint: it’s sooner than you think).
  • The top 4 unexpected reasons ideas and companies fail
  • 5 great experiments you can use to de-risk your biggest assumptions.
  • 7 critical questions to ask early during meetings.
  • 3 things you never want to say to or ask an investor.
  • How getting capital investment is different than applying for a grant and how to be successful.

About Steve:

Steve Barsh is Chief Innovation Officer and Managing Director – Health for Dreamit. Steve has over 30 years of experience launching, leading and building multi-national companies as well as early stage venture work. He has helped launch dozens of companies that have grown to over $600 million in value. He has extensive experience working with entrepreneurs, scientists and physicians on rapid identification and de-risking of critical make-or-break assumptions as well as shaping those companies along with guiding their early stage venture rounds. Steve taught in the Wharton MBA program at the University of Pennsylvania and has a BS in Computer Science from the University of Michigan. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife and two children.