Philly ETE 2016 #26 – Martin Snyder – Delivering Agile Methodologies and Emerging Technologies in Hostile Environments

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Agile vs. Waterfall is often presented as a difference in development methodology, but it is much more a clash of cultures. Large bureaucracies, government regulation and many other factors can create an environment that is hostile to many forms of innovation and in which waterfall is actually the most cost-effective approach.

Innovating in such environments can be a challenge, but it is both personally and professionally rewarding to do so. In examining the motivations behind these hostile cultures, we can see patterns and opportunities where individuals or teams of developers can serve two masters and deploy cutting-edge technologies and techniques while still honoring both the spirit and the letter of a myriad of restrictions.

Whether you are building a product targeting a regulated industry or working on a project at LargeCorp, there are strategies you can adopt that will significantly reduce friction, increase efficiency, and lead to a more positive outcome!

About Martin:

As Chief Technology Officer for Wingspan Technology, Inc., Martin is responsible for technology and software engineering leadership. He brings over 20 years of experience as an executive and architect for enterprise applications, integration, and document management for global enterprise applications. Wingspan creates document management applications for regulated industries.

Prior to joining Wingspan, Martin founded and operated Ethermoon Entertainment, a video game development company. He has held leadership positions in Philadelphia, Boston, and Silicon Valley. Martin has also published and presented on a variety of topics over the years, most recently on the Scala programming language and Functional Programming.

Martin graduated from Cornell University and holds a BS in Computer Science.