Philly ETE #24 – A Look at Polyglot Data and Event Sourcing – Greg Young

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From the abstract: We are forced to solve many problems with respect to handling data. Many concepts work in our current models, many do not. Picking the wrong model can lead to massive amounts of accidental complexity.
“Polyglot data” should not be confused with “polyglot persistence.” The former refers to using multiple data representations in a single system (ie OLAP, Graph, Lucene, CEP…). Choosing ElasticSearch or
Command Sourcing with a CQRS implementation is different than choosing Redis for caching or Mongo for unstructured data. This talk will look at how to reach the point where you stop thinking about how to force
your problem into your predefined thinking and how to reach a place where you focus on how to choose the right model for the problem!