Philly ETE 2014 #5 – I-Tier: Breaking Up the Monolith – Sean McCullough

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From the abstract: “Groupon recently completed a year-long project to migrate its U.S. web traffic from a monolithic Ruby on Rails application to a new multi-application stack with substantial results.

Groupon’s entire U.S. web frontend had been a single Rails codebase from its inception in 2008. The frontend codebase quickly grew large, which made it difficult to maintain and challenging to ship new features. As a solution to this gigantic monolith, we decided to re-architect the frontend by splitting it into small, independent and more manageable pieces. At the center of this project, we rebuilt each major section of the website as an independent application. We also rebuilt the infrastructure to make all the independent apps work together. Interaction Tier (I-Tier) was the result.

Learn about how Groupon achieved this great architecture migration and the business results it is driving.”