Swift at Chariot
Chariot uses the Swift programming language to create iOS software for iOS, watchOS and tvOS. Introduced by Apple in 2014, Swift is an open source compiled programming language that interoperates with Objective C. In comparison to Objective C, Swift is a newer language that’s more modern, and includes powerful features and functionality.
Swift’s syntax is remarkably easy to use. It is concise and features a compact map, written from the ground up to be more in line with the way developers code today. It works in concert with older languages like Objective C and C++. Unlike Objective C, Swift does not expose pointers. Frameworks have been developed to allow server side programming with Swift.

Swift Resources
Mobile App Development: Consider the Cost, Not Just the Price!
In order to understand all the aspects of deciding what direction to go with your mobile app development approach, it is important to understand each option and the advantages and trade-offs each has to offer.
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Building Our First TvOS App
Chariot Solutions runs an annual tech conference in Philadelphia called Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise or ETE. All of these presentations are recorded and we make the videos available on the web. When the 4th-generation Apple TV and tvOS were released, anyone could write apps for the TV, not just Apple partners. I decided to write an app to make ETE presentations and other Chariot content available though an app.
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Screencast: The World of Swift 3 by Daniel Steinberg
When Apple open sourced Swift late last year, they invited the community into the discussion of where Swift should go and why. Instead of us having to imagine what the Swift language and library stewards and architects are thinking, we can read their words on the Swift evolution mailing list. In this talk we’ll look at what idiomatic Swift will look like soon when Swift 3 is soon released and talk about the reasoning behind some of the choices.
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