
FSM Actors in Akka

This post takes a look at the basic features of the FSM trait in Akka and implements a simple Tic Tac Toe game actor along with tests.

PhillyETE Screencast #18 – Scaling out with Akka Actors – Joshua Suereth

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From the abstract: “Erlang has made popular the notation of asynchronous message passing as means of distribution and Scaling. While the idea of “actors” is fundamentally simple, how do we, the software engineers, make use of this abstraction to develop real life, scalable systems? This talk designs a scalable distributed search service using Akka and … Read More

ETE 2011 – Jonas Boner – Above the Clouds – Introducing Akka

From Jonas Boner’s abstract: “We believe that one should never have to choose between productivity and scalability, which has been the case with traditional approaches to concurrency and distribution. The cause of that has been the wrong tools and the wrong layer of abstraction – and Akka is here to change that. Akka is using … Read More

DevNews #15 – Macros, Compositional UI vs HTML/CSS, Python and Ruby goodness

It has been quite a dry spell in podcast land for the listeners.  We’ve been recovering from running Philly ETE last month, and are just starting to dig out.  Content will now start coming out in regular frequency again on the Techcast. *Phew!* This DevNews edition is more of a housecleaning of links than before. … Read More

TechCast #47 – Jonas Boner on the Akka framework, Scala, and highly scalable applications

Today’s podcast features Jonas Bonér, the creator of the Akka framework.  If you’ve been listening to the podcast, especially to Episode #37 with Alex Miller on Java Concurrency, here is an alternative approach to providing scalability on the Java VM. Akka features an implementation of Actors, Software Transactional Memory, and Transactors, a hybrid approach to … Read More