
PhillyETE Screencast #35 – Let’s Help Melly (Changing Work Into Life)

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From the abstract: “Many people in the world don’t really like their jobs. And most organizations are not healthy. They are badly prepared for increasing complexity and changing environments. Most managers know that organizations are complex systems. But few understand what that means for the way organizations should be managed. Complexity thinking suggests that we … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #33 – Trying out Kanban at Comcast – Trevor Lalish-Menagh

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From the abstract: “Our teams have embraced the agile spirit for years, and what that means to us is flexibility. Flexibility in management, flexibility in employees, and flexibility to change. Earlier this year, the team I am on decided to experiment with a Kanban board and work in progress limits, bucking the trend of a … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #25 – Applying Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in Agile Organizations – Jean Tabaka

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From the abstract: “Design thinking is emerging as a way to guide organizations in how to accept mystery and move through heuristics before moving to an algorithmic view of business. Complexity theory asks us to be intentional about the systems in which we find ourselves and the transitions we must be prepared to make in … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #3 – Ken Schwaber – The Path to Agility

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From Ken Schwaber’s abstract – “The move is on. More and more organizations are abandoning waterfall and opting for agility. The benefits are overwhelming, documented by Standish Group, the GAO, and DOD. Lately, two approaches to becoming agile have emerged. One is SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), an agile template that can somewhat readily be overlaid … Read More

Let’s Help Melly (Changing Work Into Life)

Complexity thinking suggests that we should seek a diversity of conflicting perspectives. It explains that organizations need experimentation, not just adaptation. And it says that most innovation happens by stealing and tweaking existing ideas to fit a new context. Ultimately, what organizations need is a “management workout”. A number of simple practices that make employees happy and the organization healthy, and which satisfy the rules of complexity thinking.

ETE 2012 – Manoj Vadakkan – It’s the Culture Stupid! Why Scrum is More Than a Few Roles, Artifacts, and Ceremonies

From the abstract: Scrum attracts many organizations because of its apparent simplicity and its potential to deliver results faster. Many do not realize the cultural changes that they need to make in order to become a hyper-productive team. This session will discuss why cultural aspects are important and how cultural changes make the mechanics of … Read More

ETE 2012 – Stacia Viscardi – Culture eats agile practices for breakfast

From the abstract: “Culture Eats Agile Practices for Breakfast” (quote adapted from Peter Drucker) Without the right mindset, Agile practices will stagnate, even hurt your agile transformation initiatives. Learn how to prepare for and implement sticking change in this one-hour lecture/workshop. Stacia will guide you through numerous tips and tricks resulting from real-life examples from … Read More