
AngularJS Corner – Using promises and $q to handle asynchronous calls

A number of Angular services return promises: $http, $interval, $timeout, for example. Anything needing to run in the background will need to coordinate with a caller such as a controller or directive, and the promise API is the way to go. But how does it work? We’ll show you how with this short tutorial.

Getting Chatty with Angular, Socket.IO, Node/Express and Bootstrap

Now that we’re well into the client/server age of the web with client-side frameworks such as AngularJS and Ember, it’s time to start revisiting those typical sample projects and reviewing how they’ll change with a more intelligent client. In this tutorial we’ll wire up an AngularJS single-page web application to communicate with Web Sockets using Socket.IO and host the application using NodeJS for an all-Javascript stack.