case study

PhillyETE Screencast #33 – Trying out Kanban at Comcast – Trevor Lalish-Menagh

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From the abstract: “Our teams have embraced the agile spirit for years, and what that means to us is flexibility. Flexibility in management, flexibility in employees, and flexibility to change. Earlier this year, the team I am on decided to experiment with a Kanban board and work in progress limits, bucking the trend of a … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #21 – Stream Processing – Philosophy, Concepts, and Technologies – Dan Frank

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ARVE Error: loop not valid
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From the abstract: “Stream processing has emerged in recent years as a very fast-growing paradigm in data science infrastructure. This rise can be partly attributed to some factors external to system design, such as business demands for near-realtime data or inability of hardware to manage an ever-growing data set. However, this paradigm also possesses many … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #10 – Fail Fast – Tumblr’s evolving architecture – Ken Little

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ARVE Error: loop not valid
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From the abstract: “Over the past two years Tumblr has experienced tremendous growth, with traffic growing more than 10x from less than 1.6B pageviews a month to nearly 20B pageviews a month. Tumblr started in 2007 as a traditional LAMP application with some memcache usage. Over the past two years Tumblr has moved towards a … Read More

ETE 2012 – Sean Brown – From 0 to 5,000,000 Downloads and How We Built a Mobile-App Development Organization in Philadelphia

From the abstract: I’ll talk about how we created an Advanced Applications Engineering team at Comcast, in Philadelphia to develop the XFINITY TV app for iOS and Android and how we are using that team to drive innovation and keep up with mobile app development demands for Xfinity and beyond.