
Three Approaches to Deploying Lambdas

“Traditional” deployment patterns separate the application from its infrastructure. Lambda deployments turn this model on its head, binding the infrastructure tightly to the running code. This can be a challenge, especially when developing in a team: it is all too easy for one developer to accidentally overwrite another’s work. In this post I look at several deployment options, and how they impact a development team.

Building and Deploying Lambdas from a Docker Container

In my last post, I looked at how you could package your Lambda as a Docker image. In this post, I show how you can use the base Amazon images to build a “traditional” Lambda and ensure that it has libraries that are appropriate for the Lambda runtime environment.

Getting Started with Lambda Container Images

Lambda Container Images were announced at re:Invent 2020, providing a new way to build and deploy Lambda functions. They arrived just in time to solve an annoying build problem for me, so got my attention. And there weren’t any tutorials floating around when I first Googled, so I figured it was worth writing one. But … Read More

Secrets Manager vs Parameter Store

AWS gives you two ways to store application configuration: Secrets Manager and Systems Manager Parameter Store. Both can store arbitrary configuration data. Both use IAM (Identity and Access Management) policies to control access. Both can encrypt the data. So which should you pick?