
Experiences in Fine-Tuning LLMs: Time + Power = Potato?

Embarking on the journey to fine-tune large language models (LLMs) can often feel like setting sail into uncharted waters, armed with hope and a map of best practices. Yet, despite meticulous planning and execution, the quest for improved performance doesn’t always lead to the treasure trove of success one might anticipate. And I know you … Read More

Apple Silicon GPUs, Docker and Ollama: Pick two.

If you’ve tried to use Ollama with Docker on an Apple GPU lately, you might find out that their GPU is not supported. But you can get Ollama to run with GPU support on a Mac. This article will explain the problem, how to detect it, and how to get your Ollama workflow running with all of your VRAM (which, on a Mac, is your DRAM too)!