
DevNews #5 – Clojure, Charting, Scripting is Groovy…

Sponsorship:  Our sponsor this week is the Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference.  Early bird registration is extended – get your tickets this week – more information, including our schedule, is available at  Speakers include Uncle Bob Martin, Michael Cote, and many, many others. You can find the articles we’ve bookmarked at  Our URL … Read More

DevNews #3 – Rails 3 online seminar, NoSQL, Grails and Flex, Grails Testing, and more!

Chariot Developer News episode #3 – February 1 2010 News Links: You can follow all of our links on Delicious.  Head over to for the details. Disclaimers: The opinions expressed by Ken and Brent do not necessarily form policy decisions at Chariot, for the US State department, or in the Federation of Planets… Ah, … Read More

Where is Java Headed?

Welcome to 2010! As a way to start the new year, Joel Confino, one of our architects and future blog contributor, sat down for an interview to discuss his opinions on Java’s future course. As you will hear in this interview, there are more options as Java is maturing. We will be exploring some of … Read More

TechCast #32 – Grails discussion with Brent Baxter and Gordon Dickens

Grails is a convention over configuration web framework, written in the Groovy dynamic language and based on the widely adopted Spring and Hibernate frameworks.  In this TechCast, I sit down with Chariot’s Gordon Dickens and Brent Baxter and discuss the relative merits of developing applications on the platform. We talk about the Groovy language, the … Read More

TechCast #28 – Sonatype’s Jason Van Zyl on Maven, OSGi and Tycho

Today’s show is a recording of the Philly Emerging Tech session by Jason Van Zyl, of Sonatype.  Jason is the creator of Maven, a java build tool that works using a set of conventions and plugins. This talk focuses on the current challenges in building OSGi based modular applications using Maven, and how the Tycho … Read More