
Scaling Effortlessly: How Jenkins, Karpenter and EKS Redefines CI/CD

Jenkins has served as the backbone of the CI/CD landscape for over a decade. Throughout these years, CI/CD practices have transformed from jobs executed in companies’ own data centers to those running in the cloud. Jenkins has adapted and evolved throughout this time, remaining a workhorse in the ever-changing CI/CD domain. If you looked at … Read More

TechCast #68 – Kohsuke Kawaguchi – creator of Jenkins

Kohsuke Kawaguchi (@kohsukekawa) is the creator of Jenkins, a continuous integration tool he wrote a number of years ago as a way to verify that he checked in his files and didn’t affect his multi-developer build. It is safe to say that Kohsuke wasn’t the only one with that problem. A huge hit, the Jenkins CI server, which at the time was known as Hudson, reached a wide adoption level, with people installing it officially and even under their desktops in many IT development shops.

Kohsuke discusses the challenges in developing a tool like Jenkins, which changed names after the new owner of Sun, Oracle, decided that it owned the trademark to the Hudson product name. Oracle has contributed Hudson to the Eclipse foundation, and Kohsuke has continued developing Jenkins, sticking to a build per week strategy, conducting all team meetings in an open IRC forum, as well as documenting project status on their website,

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Growing Up with Jenkins/Hudson, Nexus, and Sonar, Part 1

In my previous post I explained why I think you should use Jenkins (or his twin Hudson), Nexus, and Sonar to super-charge your Maven builds. To summarize, Jenkins is a continuous integration server that runs your builds, Nexus is an artifact repository that versions and stores your jars/wars/zips/etc, and Sonar is a metrics server that … Read More