
Philly ETE 2015 #40 – Ash Furrow – Catching up with Swift

In this talk, Ash Furrow, author and iOS engineer at Artsy, presents the current state of Apple’s new programming language: Swift. He’ll begin with a description of why Swift was needed – what problems existed with Objective-C and how does Swift address them? Speaking from experience of developing a production application using Swift, Ash will discuss Swift’s readiness from both technical and business standpoints.

ETE 2015 – Ash Furrow – Catching up with Swift

In this talk, Ash Furrow, author and iOS engineer at Artsy, presents the current state of Apple’s new programming language: Swift. He’ll begin with a description of why Swift was needed – what problems existed with Objective-C and how does Swift address them? Speaking from experience of developing a production application using Swift, Ash will discuss Swift’s readiness from both technical and business standpoints.

Using Cocoapods to Manage Private Libraries

Introduction Cocoapods (http://cocoapods.org/) is a dependency management framework for XCode. It allows you to declaratively define project dependencies and have them included in the build of your project. It’s like Apache Maven or Ruby Gems for XCode. There are many tutorials on getting started with Cocoapods, so in this blog post I will present a … Read More