
Cost Optimizing an ML Feature Store

A client recently started building a new machine learning (ML) architecture with a feature store as one of the key pieces. The feature store was already burning through a lot of money on AWS Elasticache and it wasn’t even scaled up in production yet! The project was in danger of being shelved without serious cost … Read More

ETE 2011 #1 – Polyglot Persistence with Chris Richardson

Philly Emerging Technologies Podcast 2011 – #1 Polyglot Persistence for Java Developers Speaker – Chris Richardson, VMware From the ETE Session Abstract Relational databases have long been considered the one true way to persist enterprise data. But today, NoSQL databases are emerging as a viable alternative for many applications. They can simplify the persistence of … Read More

DevNews #24 – A triple shot of Python, RESTful Rails, and NoSQL GORM and Reddis

We’ve all been very busy of late.  Just got a chance to catch up and so we have lots to talk about in episode #24. Links Python Package Index : jellyfish 0.1.2 Pyjamas – Python Javascript Compiler, Desktop Widget Set and RIA Web … The Go Programming Language PostgreSQL: News: PostgreSQL 9.0 Final Release Available … Read More

Why You Need NoSql in Your Toolbox

Even if you work for Oracle, you still need NoSql databases in your toolbox. One size does not fit all for programming languages, operating systems, IDEs, shoes, bailouts, or anything else. But for a long time now, many developers have been told that relational databases are really the only choice for persistence. If you need … Read More