
Philly ETE 2020 – Mike Wenger – Times When GraphQL Really Shines

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020. Abstract A RESTful API and a GraphQL API are often viewed as two interchangeable approaches to achieve the same thing, make data available to a client. After building out a clinical trial matching API to help match patients … Read More

GraphQL, the new Contender to REST

The Representative State Transfer (REST) protocol has been the king of remote access protocols for web applications for well over a decade. The general pattern: expose “nouns” (Customers, Activities, Employees, Tasks, Sasquatches) as URLs (/api/sasquatch/32) and access them via HTTP “verbs” such as “GET”, “POST” (create), “PUT” (update), or “DELETE” (umm, well…). The content type … Read More

Philly ETE 2015 #33 – Todd Montgomery – The Changing Face of Communications: IoT, REST, and Reactive

We are experiencing a profusion of interconnected devices. Architectures are undergoing radical changes to enable better scaling and resiliency. And at the heart of all of these are several new protocols that are changing the way services communicate. A lot of interest lies with WebSocket, HTTP/2, CoAP, MQTT, XMPP, etc. What can these protocols do? What can we learn from them? And where are things going? This session will explore these questions and more.

Philly ETE 2014 #8 – Have You Seen Spring Lately – David Turanski

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Today’s Spring is easy to get started with, easy to learn, and embraces convention over configuration. Join Spring developer David Turanski as he takes you on a tour of today’s Spring, including the Spring.IO platform, Spring Boot, Websocket support, Spring HATEOAS, and more! This is a Spring you may not have seen yet.

DevNews #66 – RESTful tutorials, CAPCHAs and Machine Learning, a million to win a hackathon and more…

We talk about Newton – a pure Javascript Physics engine AI Startup says it has defeated captchas Got a great mobile app idea? You can win $1M in the SalesForce hackathon Elixir – a “groovy” for Erlang? We talk about JBoss Forge

Enterprise Integration with Spring Training

Are you a Spring Developer? Do you have Enterprise solutions to develop or architect? Chariot Solutions, a Spring Training Partner and Philadelphia leader in Spring Training, Mentoring and Consulting can help you take your Spring skills to the next level – Enterprise Integration! There are many Spring developers who have learned by experimenting, reading documentation … Read More

DevNews #24 – A triple shot of Python, RESTful Rails, and NoSQL GORM and Reddis

We’ve all been very busy of late.  Just got a chance to catch up and so we have lots to talk about in episode #24. Links Python Package Index : jellyfish 0.1.2 Pyjamas – Python Javascript Compiler, Desktop Widget Set and RIA Web … The Go Programming Language PostgreSQL: News: PostgreSQL 9.0 Final Release Available … Read More

TechCast #51 – Brian Sletten on the Semantic Web and what it means for developers

On this techcast, Brian Sletten describes how the Semantic Web helps to define relationships between interconnected data, discusses the various tools and APIs, and how it is already being used, even without our knowledge. Services like Friend of a Friend (FoaF), tools like RDFa, query tools like SPARQL, are discussed. If you don’t know what … Read More