
Slick 3.1.0, Oracle 11g, and UUID columns

SlickUUIDs UUIDs to the rescue I recently decided to change our primary key strategy from an auto-incrementing Long to UUID (aka globally unique IDs). Early on in a project, this should be a relatively simple refactoring (neither the software nor any data has been released yet). First of all and most importantly, UUIDs provide uniqueness … Read More

Binding custom types in plain SQL queries in Slick

Hierarchical Queries Hierarchical Queries and Oracle Not everything is as fun as the first time you discover the power of monads and for-comprehensions, or realize the state machine you wrote with pattern matching is super easy to read and follow! Some days its business as usual, which as a software developer means you’re usually trying … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #17 – Scala’s Slick: A Library For Functional Database Access – Brendan McAdams

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From the abstract: “This talk presents Slick, Typesafe’s library for accessing databases. Similar in nature to .NET’s LINQ API, Slick is a successor to the popular ScalaQuery library. With Slick, database queries can be expressed using Scala code – which is composable and more convenient than Java APIs like JPA, and safer than string-based query … Read More