Philly ETE 2015 #33 – Todd Montgomery – The Changing Face of Communications: IoT, REST, and Reactive

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Slides from Todd’s talk are available here.


We are experiencing a profusion of interconnected devices. Architectures are undergoing radical changes to enable better scaling and resiliency. And at the heart of all of these are several new protocols that are changing the way services communicate. A lot of interest lies with WebSocket, HTTP/2, CoAP, MQTT, XMPP, etc. What can these protocols do? What can we learn from them? And where are things going? This session will explore these questions and more.

About Todd:

Todd Montgomery is a networking hacker who has researched, designed, and built numerous protocols, messaging-oriented middleware systems, and real-time data systems, done research for NASA, contributed to the IETF and IEEE, co-founded two startups, and contributes to a number of open source projects.

He currently works for Kaazing as Chief Architect.