TechChat Tuesdays #19: Special Guest, Eric Snyder

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Today we welcome Eric Snyder to the show, software architect here at Chariot, and Dev News veteran from days past. Eric, Ken and Sujan bring a whole slew of dev topics to the livestream today – from the youtube-dl controversy, to new features in Vue – and Eric talks about his recent projects using Go.

Show Notes

  • Apps from Apple on Big Sur bypass firewalls and VPNs… “this is terrible.”
  • Macs couldn’t open apps without calling home after Big Sur release
  • youtube-dl repository reinstated, with help from Github CEO Nat Friedman. From the article: “The source code for YouTube-dl, a tool you can use to download videos from YouTube, is back up on GitHub after the code repository took it down in October following a DMCA complaint from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Citing a letter from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (the EFF), GitHub says it ultimately found that the RIAA’s complaint didn’t have any merit.”
  • Interesting post on Toptal on Vue 3 on-demand reactivity, with sample spreadsheet app demo, and live Vue 3 code sample on CodePen. Also: who’s using Vue in production? We’d love to hear from you. Tweet us @techcast.
  • Kubernetes UIs for the rest of us: Headlamp released this week. Hackernews discussion mentions other ones, like Lens, which looks really good, and a VSCode plugin.
  • Docker is working on updating Docker Desktop for Mac to work with new Apple M1 silicon and hypervisor (for those that don’t know, Docker runs its own VM on top of the Mac hypervisor framework).

This livestream took place on November 17, 2020 at noon. This is a recording. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of our next livestream – or bookmark this link and tune in every Tuesday at noon EST to hang out with Ken Rimple.