Chariot Solutions

Philly ETE 2016 – Mike Hartington – Ionic 2: Your First @App

Ionic has revolutionized the way web developers make the transition mobile development, but there’s always room to improve and make the lives of new app developers easier. With Ionic 2, we’ve improved upon much of what made Ionic 1 great, while also keeping things simple and reducing the fatigue that developers can feel when learning a new tool. We’ll introduce you to the basic Ionic 2 concepts and build an app live.

Philly ETE 2016 – Jean Yang – Securing Software By Construction

This talk has two parts. First, I will present technical ideas from research, including my own, that help secure software by construction. Even though these are reasonable ideas, however, the gap between academia and industry often prevents these ideas from becoming realized in practice. Second, I will discuss what prevents longer-term security solutions from being commercialized, how we started the Cybersecurity Factory accelerator bridge the research/industry gap, and how we can work together to address the issues that remain.

Philly ETE 2016 – Srinivas Palthepu – Emergence of Real-Time Analytics: Real-time Analysis of Customer Financial Activities With Apache Flink

In this talk we present a business use case where Capital One needs to process customer activities real-time and react to events appropriately as needed. We then present our experience in building a real-time analytics application that serves the business using a set of open source software frameworks with Apache Flink at its core for real-time stream processing engine.

Philly ETE 2016 – Dmitri Sotnikov – Transforming Enterprise Development with Clojure

Monolithic projects will often have tight coupling between components, resulting in codebases that are large and unwieldy. This directly impacts productivity, and translates into costs for the organization. In this session we will explore the aspects of Clojure that encourage writing code that is loosely coupled and reusable. We will discuss the benefits of the Clojure approach, and we will see how it applies in practice with a live demo.

Philly ETE 2016 – Andy Webber – Modern C++ for Fun and Profit: This isn’t your old C++

Think that C++ is an antiquated language and isn’t worth learning? Think that programming in C++ is too difficult and you’ll spend all of your time debugging segmentation faults and memory leaks? In this talk you’ll find out some of how C++ has changed in C++11, C++14, and beyond in ways that make programmer’s lives easier and allow you to write high-performance, maintainable, and well-designed code.

Philly ETE 2016 – Martin Snyder – Delivering Agile Methodologies and Emerging Technologies in Hostile Environments

Innovating in such environments can be a challenge, but it is both personally and professionally rewarding to do so. In examining the motivations behind these hostile cultures, we can see patterns and opportunities where individuals or teams of developers can serve two masters and deploy cutting-edge technologies and techniques while still honoring both the spirit and the letter of a myriad of restrictions.