Chariot Solutions

Philly ETE 2014 – Ambrose Bonnaire-Sergeant – What if Type Checkers were more like Linters?

By separating the type checker from the compiler, we avoid infecting the rest of the language with the massive complexities of a static type system. Our compiler is simple and robust, our language design is unrestricted by an arbitrary type system, and our users are free to choose the right type system for the job.

In this talk, we explore this idea further and demonstrate what such a type system is like to use.

Attend Chariot’s Data IO Conference – Oct. 30, 2013

Event Attend Chariot’s Data IO Conference – Oct. 30, 2013 Details Data IO showcases how to leverage today’s applications and open-source frameworks to connect tens or hundreds or even millions of devices, things and people, and with any luck, make some sense of the data being captured. We’ll show you not only how the pieces … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #33 – Trying out Kanban at Comcast – Trevor Lalish-Menagh

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From the abstract: “Our teams have embraced the agile spirit for years, and what that means to us is flexibility. Flexibility in management, flexibility in employees, and flexibility to change. Earlier this year, the team I am on decided to experiment with a Kanban board and work in progress limits, bucking the trend of a … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #32 – Blackberry 10 Enterprise Development – Maurice White

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From the abstract: “Become a successful developer of enterprise apps for BlackBerry 10. This session arms you with what’s needed to begin creating enterprise apps for the BlackBerry platform. We’ll cover development options, tooling, and porting existing apps. We’ll discuss the unique needs of developing apps for the enterprise and introduce you to how the … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #31 – Going Big with Big Data – One Step at a Time – Anita Garimella Andrews

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From the abstract: “Big Data is almost scary nowadays. Some small, young companies are so advanced in their use of data – but their datasets are small, so statistical validity constantly comes up. Some Fortune 100 companies haven’t even started. And other large companies have such a morass of badly integrated, inaccurate or unused data … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #30 – Druid – Real-Time Queries Meet Real-Time Data – Eric Tschetter

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From the abstract: “This talk will focus on the design considerations and architecture of Druid, an open-source, distributed, column-oriented analytical data store. Druid is an open source distributed system in use at Metamarkets ( to facilitate rapid exploration of high dimensional spaces. We use Druid to expose impression monetization data to ad tech companies along … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #29 – The 11th Thing: Generalists, specialists, and how life imitates the decathlon – David A. Black

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From the abstract: “Change is a constant in the tech field, at many levels — from the introduction of major new tools and systems to the release of tiny updates for existing ones. Ironically, constant change results in a striking consistency over time. The view of our field from outer space, so to speak, remains … Read More