Chariot Solutions

Applying Design Thinking and Complexity in Agile Organizations

From the abstract: “Design thinking is emerging as a way to guide organizations in how to accept mystery and move through heuristics before moving to an algorithmic view of business. Complexity theory asks us to be intentional about the systems in which we find ourselves and the transitions we must be prepared to make in … Read More

ETE 2013 – Modern Spring Web Applications – Why it is time to care – David Turanski and Ken Rimple

What is the relevance of the Spring Framework in the age of the Javascript client application? How can we Spring developers leverage Spring APIs to provide security, REST support, and quick back-end development services? Find out in this talk where we cover how to build a single-page Web Application using Angular.JS, secured with Spring Security, tested with Spring MVC testing APIs, and rapidly develop the application using Spring Data.

Scala’s Slick: A Library For Functional Database Access

From the abstract: “This talk presents Slick, Typesafe’s library for accessing databases. Similar in nature to .NET’s LINQ API, Slick is a successor to the popular ScalaQuery library. With Slick, database queries can be expressed using Scala code – which is composable and more convenient than Java APIs like JPA, and safer than string-based query … Read More

The Fundamentals of JVM Tuning

From the abstract: “When you are faced with the challenge of tuning JVM, you can find a wide variety information. Yet, almost always the information is rather specific in the type of tuning, or specific to a type of problem. Seldom can you find information that tells abstracts the details into a higher level and … Read More

Exploring the Internals of Active Record

From the abstract: “In this talk we’ll be exploring the internals of Active Record, the ORM used in the Ruby on Rails web framework. We’ll look at the architecture of the internals along with caching strategies, connection handling, and speed improvements. This talk will cover new features in Rails 4, as well as strategies for … Read More

Architecting an event-driven networking engine: Twisted Python

From the abstract: “How do you write and deploy an extensible, cross-platform, event-driven HTTP, SSH, or IMAP server in Python in zero lines of code? With Twisted! Twisted is the granddaddy of event-driven Python networking libraries and has been a proving ground for how to structure such a framework for the last decade. In this … Read More

Patterns and Functional Programming

From the abstract: “Patterns and functional programming aren’t often mentioned together, but they’re related in a couple of ways. First, most of the classic object oriented design patterns fade away in languages with functional features. Second, functional languages have their own set of interesting patterns, which can often be given first class language support. In … Read More

AngularJS Directives – DSL in Your HTML

From the abstract: “AngularJS is an awesome JavaScript framework that has a laundry list of great features. One of the most powerful features is the ability to create custom HTML elements and attributes that are specific to your domain. We will cover how to make custom directives to do neat tricks. By ‘neat tricks’ we … Read More

Big Data Revolution

From the abstract: “The Harvard Business Review declared Data Scientist ‘The sexiest job of the 21st Century’ So what is all the Big Data hype about? Can data really change the way we live our lives and go about business? Digital advertising is one of the fields on the forefront of exploring and exploiting Big … Read More