Chariot Solutions

Why Open Source Can Mean Better Support

One of the first questions enterprise clients ask us when they evaluate an open source platform is, “How good is the support?” The assumption is that a commercial platform means reliable 24/7 support while open source means you’re more or less on your own. But the opposite is often true: Not only are many open … Read More

Spring Roo – News from Ken Rimple and Gordon Dickens

Chariot’s Ken Rimple and Gordon Dickens are following in the path of several of our architects – they are becoming published authors. Both are working, along with Ben Alex, on a book for Manning, Spring Roo in Action. Here is a video interview with them. They give a brief overview of Roo and discuss why … Read More

Oleg Zhurakousky – SOA and Spring Technologies

Coming to the end of our video recaps from our conference. I have had a bit of trouble with uploading from iMovie to YouTube, two of my interviews may be lost. This one is with Oleg Zhirakousky, from Springsource. He discusses Spring and SOA.

Toby DiPasquale at Philly ETE

Hoping to get the rest of this videos up before the end of this weekend! This is much more time intensive than I imagined. Anyway, I will stop complaining. Toby DiPasquale was surprised that his room was packed for his talk on Cassandra. Our other NoSql speaker, Geir Magnusson, also had a full room. This … Read More

Lincoln Baxter III – Pretty Faces

Lincoln’s talk, PrettyFaces – Harness SEO, Improve User Experience, Ease Development, is recapped in this video interview. Thanks to Dan Allen for suggesting we invite Lincoln this year.