
GraphQL, the new Contender to REST

The Representative State Transfer (REST) protocol has been the king of remote access protocols for web applications for well over a decade. The general pattern: expose “nouns” (Customers, Activities, Employees, Tasks, Sasquatches) as URLs (/api/sasquatch/32) and access them via HTTP “verbs” such as “GET”, “POST” (create), “PUT” (update), or “DELETE” (umm, well…). The content type … Read More

Rewriting Your Mobile App: Short-term Sacrifice for Long-Term Gain

Introduction At Chariot Solutions, we have been developing mobile apps since the release of the first iOS SDK in early 2008. Back then, all app development was new. A lot of developers flocked to mobile development as the new shiny object. As is the case with all new software development stacks, some apps were developed … Read More

Democratizing Music Through Streaming Tech and Data Analytics

This article was written by Tracey Welson-Rossman, Chariot’s CMO and frequent Forbes contributor. It appeared on the Forbes website on September 6, 2018. Brooke Michael Kain is the Chief Digital Officer at AEG Presents. AEG Presents is one of the largest providers of live music in the country: producing or supporting over 40 music festivals … Read More

Features Schmeatures, Build for Value!

Is Your Baby Ugly? Let’s take a step back to look at this thing that you are making. How do you know if you are building the right product or adding the right feature? We need some checks and balances to ensure that we are basing product decisions on what will provide the most impact for the end customer and not worry so much about vanity metrics.

What do blockchain, IoT, and cookies have in common? …Chariot Day 2018!

Socrates once said “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing about blockchain” // Your programming language might hate the environment! // Alexa can be a real jerk!!! // Chariot Day is an opportunity for Charioteers to share the things that they are most passionate about with other members of the Chariot family.

Not sure about Kotlin on Android?

I’ve been developing in Java for over 17 years on both client and server side. I don’t get involved with the JVM-based “language wars”, quietly frankly it’s because I’m not overly passionate about programming languages. That’s not to say that I don’t have preferences or enjoy languages it’s just that I choose not to put … Read More

Microservices and the Evolution of Software Architecture

Some recent trends have contributed to the popularity of microservices architectures. This article defines microservices and discusses how they can help tame complexity and improve developer productivity while at the same time providing simplicity and scalability.