
Linda Rising at Philly ETE

I received some assistance in my attempt to videotape our speakers, from Ahsen Jaffer. Ahsen handled the Agile “room”. He was also instrumental in helping us book the Agile track. Here is his interview with Linda Rising with a recap of her talk – Deception and Estimation – How We Fool Ourselves. It was an absolute pleasure meeting Linda. I heard great reviews on this talk.

David Black at Philly ETE

David Black was kind enough to give two talks at the conference this year. The first is entitled Opinionated is Relative: Choice and Modularity in Rails Applications. The second, Barbara, Demeter, and Don: Notes on Some CS Precepts from a Non-Scientist Programmer, was rated as one of the best talks by one of Chariot’s consultants. Very high marks indeed. I hope you are finding these recaps valuable.

More video reports from Philly ETE

Your intrepid reporter has recovered sufficiently enough to continue posting videos from the last week’s conference. There is still some work to do, but I hope to have everyone’s up by Monday. Continue to check back for audio feeds, too. This clip is from John Quillen. John ran the Open source is a Commercial Enterprise? panel. We have beaten the licensing aspect of open source to death, plus it is old news. We thought we would give an update to…

ETE 2010: Cloud Keynote Speech w/Michael Coté of Redmonk now available

We’ve just published our Friday, April 9 keynote speech with Michael Coté of RedMonk. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the direct link for iPadders, or via the embedded player: the link for iPadders… RedMonk an industry analyst firm that covers cloud computing and mobile application development, among other areas.  They deliver their analysis as open source.  From their website: “RedMonk is the first analyst firm built on open source. We’re dedicated to providing high quality research…

Enhancing performance on Android devices

Mobile devices are experiencing rapid gains in memory size as well as processing power, but they’re certainly not in the same league as hardware we’re typically developing software for. At my recent talk for the 2010 ETE conference, the final segment of the presentation focused on some of the performance techniques I’d utilized to enhance the overall user experience. Since the talk ran a bit long, I didn’t have the opportunity to go into all the details I was hoping…

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