From a List to a Details View using jQueryMobile and Backbone.js

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In my previous post I built a basic application to demonstrate the use of Backbone.js with jQueryMobile (JQM). The introduction can be found here, with a brief subsequent post on sorting collections here. In this post, I would like to add the capability to view the details of the items presented in the list view.

The first step is to create a new JQM page to display the details view. JQM makes it pretty easy to add pages to your application. I added the following code to the index.html file:

This will create the structure for the page, and Backbone.js will be used to fill in the content div based on the record tapped (or clicked) within the list view. The next step is to define the template for the details view. This is the pattern that I follow when developing using jQueryMobile and Backbone.js. The template can be inserted below the list item template in index.html.

I decided to embed the details in a read-only list view, this way jQueryMobile will provide some reasonable styling. Since the point here is to demonstrate Backbone and jQueryMobile playing together, I didn’t want to have to spend much time on style 🙂

Next, we need to define the Backbone view that will use the template to render the appropriate content. All this View needs to do is apply the model to the template and append it to the HTML container defined when the View is instantiated.

In order to retrieve the correct model to bind to the details view, we need to know what row in the list view was clicked (or tapped). To do this, we can bind to the click event of the item in the list view. This can be accomplished by modifying the ActivityListView render method. Here is the current version of the list view:

The key area to focus on here is lines 18-20, where the activity item HTML is rendered and appended to the list view. This is where the modification needs to occur. Each activity item HTML element needs to be bound to a click event. In this click event, the activity id will need to somehow be passed to the details view so the appropriate look up can occur. There are several ways to do this. Approaches I have used in the past include the use of jQuery.jqmData(...) or session local storage (assuming HTML5). In this example, we will use the jqmData method. The trick is to capture the id during the rendering of the list so that it can be used during the execution of the click event. Below are the required modifications to lines 18-20 of the previous code snippet.

The first thing is to capture the rendered activity item HTML in a variable and cast it to a jQuery object, as can be seen in lines 2-3. Line 4 is where the activity id data is attached to our activity item HTML element. Then, the bind event (lines 5-8) retrieves the attached data and sets it on the activity details HTML element, which is our activity details page HTML. Per the jQuery documentation, this within a bind method refers to the DOM element to which the event handler is bound. We can use that to get at the activity id data and attach it to the details view. This gives us the ability to pass the appropriate id at runtime to the details page.

Now we need to wire all this together. The typical pattern I follow is to use the jQueryMobile pagebeforeshow event to set up everything needed to render a complete page. This acts as my controller.

This code retrieves the id data attached to the activity details element, looks up the
using the Backbone API (line 5), instantiates the view with the model and the view container, and calls the render method to render the final HTML. The end result looks like this:

Screen Shot 2012-01-23 at 1.18.57 PM

The source code for this post can be found here. Note that this is a branch of my repository for this sample app. Each blog post associated with this code base resides on a separate branch.

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