Mobile Platforms – Interview with Roy Rosin and Rick Rasansky

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I am a little behind on editing a backlog of videos. As I continue to learn how to edit and not become frustrated with iMovie (why is it Apple can create so many great, intuitive products, yet this one is difficult to use! That will be another blog post for another time!)

This interview took place a few weeks ago, but it seems to be more relevant now with the release of Windows Mobile. I sat down with Rick Rasansky and Roy Rosin at their offices to discuss why it is important to be paying attention to mobile development. Since both of these gentleman have been in the mobile space since early on, they have a lot of experience to draw on.

Rick and Roy will be part of a panel at the Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference ( on April 8th. They are part of a management track which is addressing different Buzz word topics (cloud, social media, mobile). The goal is to help managers have good, non-vendor driven information in their arsenal to guide their choices in 2010.