Rod Johnson's Keynote at SpringOne – A short recap


Gordon Dickens sat down with Ken Rimple today to give a a quick rundown on his view of the conference so far on the Chariot TechCast.

Below are some of points he recounts from Rod Johnson’s keynote, which opens SpringOne/2GX:

Rod Johnson spoke of the history of SpringSource and how the community (estimated at around 3 million members by Gartner) has been an asset to SpringSource’s success in delivering quality frameworks to the IT community. He stressed the importance of continued community involvement for the greater SpringSource community.  Rod mentioned how Spring’s acquisitions have made them even stronger in the enterprise market.

Coming this week will be SpringSource Tool Suite’s support for the Grails framework. Rod asked Graeme Rocher (Founder and creator of Grails) to give a brief demonstration.

Additional demos we given of the new tc Server and Insight application monitoring tools— available free for the developer community. Also shown was Spring Flex/Blaze DS Integration, focusing on the ease of configuration.

Obviously the flagship Spring Framework 3.0 release was mentioned. There are new features and improvements in REST, MVC, JSR-303 annotation support. Also mentioned were the list of upcoming releases of Spring WebFlow, Spring Integration, Roo, Spring Batch and Spring Security.

Developers who attend SpringOne will also be able to try out CloudFoundry, recently acquired by SpringSource, and will be given 48 hours of server time to experiment with.

Check back tomorrow for more news from SpringOne 2GX.