
Chariot Training Course – Spring Kickstart

News Item Chariot Training Course – Spring Kickstart Details This is an archived news release. For information about Chariot Solutions Education Services, visit our website at Get excited about Spring! ————————- Learn about lightweight development using the Spring Framework in a 2 day course presented by Thomas Risberg and Joel Confino of Chariot Solutions. Thomas is a Spring project contributor and recently co-authored the book “Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework” along with Rod Johnson, the father of…

Chariot’s Ken Rimple Presenting SpringSource Roo at the Philadelphia Spring Users Group

News Item Chariot’s Ken Rimple Presenting SpringSource Roo at the Philadelphia Spring Users Group Details Ken Rimple will review the goals of Roo, the underlying architecture, the concept of Mix-Ins, and build an application from the ground up using the tool. He will also discuss Spring’s overall goals with Roo, and the project’s relationship to Grails, a more mature, Groovy and dynamic programming-based platform, and how the two tools overlap and/or differ in approach.

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