TechCast #72 – Typesafe’s Jamie Allen on Scala present and future, Scalathon 2012 and training events

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Regular listeners will recognize Jamie Allen’s voice from a number of podcast episodes at Chariot. He recently left us to join Typesafe, the sponsors of the Scala language, Akka, Play and other items that make up the Typesafe stack.

We discuss a number of topics, including:

  • Scala helps you write good code out of the box
  • Languages -vs- Frameworks
  • Functional programming
  • A few upcoming features of scala 2.10
  • Builds in scala
  • Scalathon 2012
  • Training around Scalathon including Chariot’s Fast Track to Scala offering which includes instruction from Jamie Allen himself.

For information about scalathon, head over to the event page at

Chariot is a Typesafe training partner.