TechChat Tuesdays #18: Dev News with Sujan Kapadia

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Today we welcome Sujan Kapadia to the show, Director of Consulting here at Chariot Solutions, and Dev News veteran from days past. He and Ken bring a whole slew of dev topics to the livestream today, and we pilot a new feature section: Unpopular Tech Opinions. Tweet us yours @techcast, or drop us a comment on our next show on Tuesday at noon!

Show Notes

  • TypeScript 4.0: Microsoft’s announcement, Fernando Doglio’s Medium post about the features he’s most excited for, and a great podcast interview with Luke Hoban.
  • Tesla’s full self-driving beta. Deep learning, sensor integration, and 4D data continuity and trajectory prediction. To see FSD beta videos, search on Twitter for #FSDbeta.
  • Testing React Hooks: separating out purely functional web components in React and Vue, and adding “hooks” for things like managing context, state, side effects, and more.
  • Hackity Hack! Develop audio applications, even control Ableton or other Digital Audio Workstation tools with the Neotrellis M4 DSP-based processor (uses Arduino or CircuitPython).
  • How Go Helped Save Healthcare: “Exercise your path to production as early as possible, even if it’s hello world – DNS, hosting, CI/CD, auto-scaling, etc.. The higher the stakes, the bigger the audience, the simpler it should be, don’t be clever! Things break in a non-linear, catastrophic way.”
  • Burning iron – a carbon-free fuel that you can also re-use (recycle the rust into iron again with renewable electricity), and the brewery that’s using this new method.
  • The Virgin Hyperloop’s first trip – 500 meters in 15 seconds = 33.3 meters per second = 107 feet per second. Apparently will go 620 miles per second. Why does all the cool stuff have to happen in Cali?
  • Introducing a new segment: Unpopular Tech Opinions. Tweet us yours at @techcast

This livestream took place on November 10, 2020 at noon. This is a recording. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of our next livestream – or bookmark this link and tune in every Tuesday at noon EST to hang out with Ken Rimple.