Developer News

DevNews #26 – Everybody is a Legacy Framework, Apple JDK Deprecation, IBM drops Harmony, mass hysteria

Ok, folks.  So many things happened in the past week that we needed to get an episode out to talk about them. Not that Eric or me have any line into correct reasoning behind anything, but we wanted to talk, so here it is:  our Cats-and-Dogs episode! We have several debates raging in Java-land right … Read More

DevNews #25 – Java in Stasis? Applying a chainsaw, revving Hibernate and other saucy topics

Do you know why you’re binding those HQL parameters? Want to make the simplest AppEngine application in Groovy? How about learning about why you’re such a bad programmer (that includes all of us, according to the post). All this and more in today’s Developer News for Thursday October 7, 2010. The Future of Java: forking, … Read More

DevNews #24 – A triple shot of Python, RESTful Rails, and NoSQL GORM and Reddis

We’ve all been very busy of late.  Just got a chance to catch up and so we have lots to talk about in episode #24. Links Python Package Index : jellyfish 0.1.2 Pyjamas – Python Javascript Compiler, Desktop Widget Set and RIA Web … The Go Programming Language PostgreSQL: News: PostgreSQL 9.0 Final Release Available … Read More

DevNews #23 – I hereby patent strange podcast episode titles…

(Sorry for the delay between shows lately.  It’s the summer, and I was away on vacation…) Especially THIS week, the opinions of Ken and Eric do not reflect the opinions of Chariot Solutions… Speaking of this week, here are the links, found also on at Links you can use! Release Notes – Grails … Read More

DevNews #22 – We’ve Got Mobile and CI, Digg and grails sharding, and more

Thanks to Kevin Griffin for joining Eric Snyder and myself this week. Articles of interest From Django and NoSQL Databases Revisited « myNoSQL Using PGP Encryption with Mule Chariot Solutions: Machine Learning: Google Prediction API Continuous Deployment, Code Review and Pre-Tested Commits on Digg4 … Sharding in Grails | Groovy Zone Python Package Index … Read More

DevNews #21 – We have Rails 3 RC1, Grails and Griffon, and more!

In the DevNews today… CouchApp Evently Guided Hack w/ CouchDB Announcing djangoembed, rich media consuming and providing with Django Andres Almiray’s Weblog : Weblog Daily Dose – Rails 3 Arrives at First RC Station Spring MVC 3 Showcase GORM Gotchas (Part 3) Michael Hartl’s Rails 3 Tutorial Book Sponsor Moment: We are sponsored / supported … Read More

DevNews #20 – Start, Finish, or Play the Game

Amongst our weaponry… Understanding iOS 4 Backgrounding and Delegate Messaging @ Dr. Touch mxcl’s homebrew at master – GitHub Homebrew: OS X’s Missing Package Manager | Engine Yard Ruby on Rails Blog amf.js – A Pure JavaScript AMF Implementation The Incredible, Growing, Commercial Hadoop Market — GigaOM Pro Another Chance To Win a TShirt: What … Read More

DevNews #19 – Releases Releases, oh pay me, HTML5 salary please

Chariot Developer News Episode #19 Hosts: Ken Rimple and Eric Snyder The watchword this week is Release… Many releases upcoming or out, including FireFox 4 beta/preview 1, Tomcat 7 beta 1, and the upcoming Passenger 3 and GMail with HTML 5. Links are not being loaded to delicious yet, so here they are in their … Read More

DevNews #18 – HTML 5, Google CL, Spring Security Patch, and more

Today’s episode is #18.  We discuss a number of technologies.  LINKS, provided by the code snippet below! Git Reference Cloud Performance Comparison Pyro 4.0 released Google I/O 2010 – BigQuery and Prediction APIs Groovy++ in action: DSL for embedding HttpServer | Groovy Zone 11 Creative Ways to Avoid Becoming a Workaholic Groovy/Grails Talk – Adding … Read More

DevNews #17 – Roo, Gradle, Grails, Rails, Security and Cloud Backup

Our development news episode today is brought to you by the letter ‘C’.  C is for Cloud. Links: Using gradlew (the Gradle Wrapper) for Easy Gradle Execution: Cucumber, a brief overview: Using OpenID authentication on App Engine: What’s a plugin-oriented architecture (Grails plugins and web slices): Using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.3.M1 with Roo … Read More